Are You Looking for The Ideal Restaurant PoS System?

Consider These Factors To Find One Suitable For Your Restaurant

Everyone wants to have the best of things. So what do you think are the ingredients which go into the making of the Best Restaurant PoS System? We did some deep thinking and extensive brainstorming to understand the needs of restaurants when it comes to billing software. Here’s what we found out:

1. There is no place for errors
It is peremptory for the restaurant point of sale software to be extremely reliable. The robustness of the software shines brightly in its reliability. Bugs or errors should not plague the program to the level where the staff is unable to deliver services to the expected level. Peppertouch - Restaurant PoS System offers hybrid storage system which is cloud based. It ensures that the system is up and running whether you are connected to the network or not.
2. No One Likes A Stationary Restaurant Billing Software Any Longer
A modern restaurant PoS hardly remains limited to the computers relying on the staff to get orders to them. Instead, it moves around with the staff through wireless devices helping them do their job more efficiently and easily. There is no room for stationary PoS systems in a fast-paced world where guests are looking for quick and superlative services.
3. No Concessions on Security
The risks of security breach have grown with technology. A restaurant billing software includes important credentials which can pose a threat to the reputation of the restaurant if breached. A good PoS system is one which is designed to include security within the system and not just as an add-on to it. Use a PoS which provides data theft prevention to ensure your billing system minimizes security risks.
4. Should Flexibly Integrate Into The Restaurant Ecosystem
There is a world of apps and software programs that restaurants are investing in. This means that the PoS software is not the only one being used by the staff. The best restaurant PoS will have the ability to flexibly integrate with other apps being a part of the entire restaurant ecosystem. Peppertouch – Restaurant PoS system is known for its easy integration with offers, discounts and promotions that your restaurant may come up with.
5. Simple and Easy
We may want our PoS software to handle lots of things at one time, but that doesn’t mean that we want a complex screen with too many icons and options creating confusion. We want software that is easy on the front end so that the staff doesn’t require extensive training simply to use the PoS.
6. Can Be Customized For The Restaurant’s Unique Needs
In the restaurant business there is no ‘one size fits all’ ideology. A restaurant PoS system must be one that can be adjusted to adapt your business environment. It should meet the unique needs of the restaurant without having the restaurant change its way of work to adapt to the software.
7. Extends To Multiple Restaurants Of The Same Chain
The best part of owning a business is the success and growth that comes with it. When your restaurant opens a new branch or sets up a new franchise, you will need software that can help you access information regarding all your restaurants at one place.
8. Promptly Incorporates Changes According To Guest Requirements
We know how difficult guests can get. Sometimes takeaways turn to table orders and sometimes they simply move to another table because all of these things have a ripple effect which the PoS system should effectively minimize and handle for you. A good software like the Peppertouch – Restaurant PoS system handles changes very proficiently helping you concentrate on enhancing guest services rather than worrying about using the software.
The Peppertouch – Restaurant PoS system is FREE for lifetime, AMC INR 5000/- only and for add-on features which can improve the functionality of this user-friendly program. Those who are looking for a kitchen display system which makes it easy to keep a track of items that are being prepared and the time it takes for them to be cooked will find this PoS program to be an effective one. It also offers a Queue Management system and Inventory Management system which takes away a lot of hassles from managing stocks and ensures that the guests get an impeccable experience.
Peppertouch – Restaurant PoS System is also known for utilizing a hybrid system for storing data which makes it a cloud based system that can work offline too! Remember the importance of having a PoS system which can work smoothly whether you are connected to the network or not? It brings tablet based ordering system to restaurants so that your staffs doesn’t feel limited in this technologically advanced world. And finally, it also features Theft Prevention and data security which are an absolute must in today’s world.


  1. That was really informative and impressive. Thanks for posting.
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